Culmen - Succes
Guenet & Abbat
pag 1-1

Établissements LOUIS COMPAIN et Cie
Capital 1.000.000 de Francs
69, Rue Saussure, 69 - PARIS

Whith the arival of a unknown lantern and a table lamp from france a new chapter on french pressure lighting was opened.

Culmen Succes -

Culmen Succes table lamp -

After some calling around the lantern was identified as a Culmen Succes lantern with a date going back to 1932 (?)
Culmen Succes 163 -

This lantern has some typical designed parts:
Culmen Phare Succes 163 -
The tube directly under the jet isn't the fuel feed but the needle cleaning device. Which is operated via a small piston like device.

The table lamp had a "succes" burner head.
(Bec) Succes is a Culmen burner a brand of Louis Compain et Cie Paris. By 1932 this company had changed name or ownership to become Guenet & Abbat who also sold lamps with Bec Success. They also show the same type of pump on a couple of heaters.
Via , I have done some patent search on this name (Guenet & Abbat) and found 39 patents.
Interesting altough is that all the patents I found are on name of Guenet & Abbat, and before 1932 ! Here under is a short list of the more interesting, lamp related, items I found:

Patent 529059, 1921, first ? pricker control design
Culmen Succes -

Patent 522096, 1921, do I see a rudimental rapid here ??

Patent 522081, 1921, interesting hang lamp

Patent 537434, 1922, first time pricker control

Patent 200108, 1924, pricker control

Patent 607543, 1926, longer pricker control
Culmen Succes -

Patent 608098, 1925, (table) lamp burner head
Culmen Succes -

Patent 625266, 1927, table lamp, external pump, long side pricker control

Patent 653966, 1929, pump note the flat end on the valve (20). That is the one in my lantern.
Culmen Succes -
Patent 657099, 1929, other pricker control

Patent 679973, 1930, safety filler cap ?

Patent 689328, 1930, pressure tank hollow wire
Culmen Succes -

Patent 740137, 1933, jet pricker