Liotard logo

Pictures are kindly donated by Dr. R. Schoeneborn.

Liotard - Lilor fabrique Liotard_address

Liotard - Lilor bec Noel

The firm Liotard was one of the french manufacturers of lighting.
One of the earliest publications goes back to the year 1906.
In this publication we find kerosene "NOËL" burners for upright "gas" mantles for a central lighting system

Liotard - Lilor house

In an anouncement for clients in 1922 we read:
To our dear clients
The Liotard-Corporation is pleased to inform its clients that they took over from Mr. Ch. Liotard the well-known company, founded in 1858 and managed through the years by Liotard Jr., Liotard widow, Liotard. Bros. and finally Charles Liotard.
This company will go on manufacturing in the most perfect way the specialties of its predecessors for its numerous clients, keeping safe the house's reputation as a good brand.
Not more than previously, our company doesn't have any other premises in Paris than 22 rue de Lorraine.
Please don't become confused with companies that have similair names.
The trademark LILOR adopted by the company will guarantee for a good quality.


On the left an example of a gasoline pressure installation with three recervoirs. From the recervoirs a hollow wire (tombak) feeds lamps, heaters, stoves and even boilers.
Due to this wire such a system is often referred to as a "hollow wire" system.

Liotard - Lilor bec Magic

Here we have the 120 "Bougies" "MAGIC" hollow wire burner.
The burner takes a steel ring mantle wich has a bajonet fixture.
Lighting is done by pre-heating section I which would work quickly.

Date: 1920

Liotard - Lilor bec Atout

Here we have the "ATOUT" hollow wire burner.
The burner is shown here with a hard mantle which has a bayonet ceramic fixture. (showed below)
Lighting is done by pre-heating the center section with a burning alcohol torch.

Date: 1920

Liotard - Lilor bec Aine

Here we have the "AINE" (hollow wire) burner.
The burner is shown here with a "three prong" burner head for mounting a soft mantle with has a metal ring. (showed below)

Date: 1922

Liotard - Lilor mantle

On the left: a soft mantle with a ceramic bayonet ring.

On the right: a soft mantle with a metal ring that fits the three prong burner head.

Picture: E. Frei
Liotard - Lilor mantle

Liotard - Lilor bec parfait

On the left:
The burner "PARFAIT".

On the right:
The burner "AUTOLUX".

Both hollow wire burners.
Date: 1920

Liotard - Lilor bec AutoLux

Lilor lantern LILOR

On the left:
The pressure lamp "LILOR".

On the right:
The benzol burner "EKLA".

Date: 1923

Lilor bec Ekla

www.petromax.nl_Liotrad_Lilor_4500_web.JPG Left:
The pressure lamp "LILOR 4500".
300 cp Bougies)

The lilor 4500, "nude".
Fresh air for the mixing chamber is kept seperate from the used air by the white metall cone.
This 1924 model is different of the 1923 model showed above, the burner arms have a different form. The whole lantern is made of brass besides the four "cage legs" and the bail

Dates back to 1924 - 1925

Liotard - Lilor burner

This is the 150 "Bougies" "LOR" hollow wire burner.
This burner has one knob for openening and closing the valve and one knob for cleaning the jet.
Lighting is done by pre-heating section I with a burning alcohol torch.

The burner lights for 22 hour on 1 ltr of kerosene, date: 1937
Liotard - Lilor - Lor Liotard - Lilor - Lor

This is one nice design of Liotard with the LOR burner.
This lamp can be used as a table lamp or as a wall lamp.
Notice the fact that this is not a hollow wire system.
Date: 1923-1937

Liotard - STA burner

This is the 150 "Bougies" "STA" hollow wire burner.
This burner has only one knob for openening and closing and cleaning the jet.
Lighting is done by pre-heating section I with a burning alcohol torch.

The burner is specially designed for outdoor use and lights 1 ltr kerosene/22hours, date: 1937

But Liotard didn't make all appliances themselves they also operated
as a wholesaler for other brands for instance Coleman and Ditmar.

Lilor - Coleman