Petromax 834 21/08/04

  • Petromax 834 van Anton Kaim

  • Light : 200 CP
  • Tank : 1,0 Ltr
  • Light/tank : 18 Hours
  • Height : 44,5 cm
  • Weight : 4,5 Kg (empty)


Px_834_chinese_cat Px_834_chinese_cat_8

Px834 Catalog page

Px834 Catalog page 2

Px 834 parts

Px834 part list

There is often a question about part 49.
Therefore I will try to explain its function. Part 49 is there to light the mantle with the burning spirit
of the pre-heating ring. It is "not-removable" connected with the pre-heater ring. Burning spirit is led by
a small tube to a little ceramic nozzle. This nozzle has a small side hole in it it and gives therefore a small
flame. When the generator coil is heated and the last bit of kerosene is vaprorized, this vapor will find its way
out trough the mantle, where the little flame of the lighter will ignite the it. Then you know the gererator coil
is warm and you can turn on your lamp gently.
Mostly with old lamps this part is missing. In a few days I will post a drawing of it here so you canb reproduce one.

Px834 pre-heater ring with ignitor
for mantle (top view)

Px834 pre-heater ring with ignitor
for mantle (bottom view)

Px834 ignitor part